Don't look now, but the first day of school is approaching!
Here are the dates you need to know.
Grades 1-8: Wednesday, September 6
Kindergarten: Friday, September 8
Preschool: Monday, September 11
See Calendar for more details.
STA's Board of Limited Jurisdiction is hosting a golf outing on Monday, June 12th at The Course at Glen Mills to raise money for a new gym floor in the main gym. This event is open to anyone. See flyer for more details in how you can sponsor or participate in this fun event!
Registration for Spring Sports is now open! Spring sports include Baseball, Track, Lacrosse, Soccer and High School Volleyball. Registration closes in March (date TBD)
The Girls Varsity A Basketball team faced off against St. Joe's in Aston and won 34-14. The Boys Varsity A Basketball team faced off against the undefeated St. Madeline's and won 55-43.