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You can also send a check payable to STA Endowment Fund. Mail or drop off to 430 Valleybrook Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342 (the Rectory).
The mission of the St. Thomas the Apostle (STA) School Endowment Fund is to provide STA School with self-sustaining financial resources capable of supporting St. Thomas into the future. The fund is a means for alumni, students’ families and friends, the community and companies to support St. Thomas through their generous donations. The income and profits shall be used for the furtherance of the religious education of students at St. Thomas while enhancing the mission of this faith community.
All assets donated to the Endowment Fund are positioned by the Finance Committee into various equities and fixed-income investments as determined by the current financial climate. The Fund targets a balanced investment portfolio of approximately 70% stocks and 30% bonds or other fixed-interest investments such as CD’s.
The members of the Finance Committee and the Board of Limited Jurisdiction oversee the fund. Members of the BLJ are nominated by the BLJ and appointed by the Pastor and Principal based on a variety of factors such as financial background and experience. Members of the Committee are appointed to two year terms.
Only income and profits earned from the investments such as interest and dividends are distributed to the school to assist with operating expenses. This is different than a traditional donation that directly enters the operating budget in the short term. Both long-term (invested) and short-term (immediate) donations are extremely beneficial and important to the school. It should be stressed that any income and profits earned are given to STA School only and not to other community funds. The goal is to grow the fund to $1,000,000 in the short term, hopefully, significantly more long-term, and then have these profits distributed annually. This allows for your donation to continually help the school for years.
Individual donations are not the only way to contribute to the endowment fund. Below are a few other ways to get involved in donating: